We’re going in deep, y’all! 



An up close and personal view of your website, its technical health, directories and beyond to give you a full work up on what needs work and how to make suitable adjustments. I dive in and breakdown the core pages of your website and outline the top optimization opportunities I see for you based on your target geographic area and your competition. 

why you need it /

* Ideal for those who are comfortable navigating the backend of their website to make changes and updated outlined post-audit.*

Gain better understanding of your site's signals to Google

Learn how Google perceives your site

Gain invaluable information for your marketing strategy

Specifics on how to move forward with your online presence

Detailed outline of the above

*BONUS* Top keywords to use to boost your organic online presence

Time to let me upgrade you



Brand new to SEO but know it’s something you need to prioritize in your business? This one is for you. I’ll personally implement SEO best practices on each of your corepages to send valuable signals Google’s way and let them know you’re here and a credible resource to your future clients. 

why you need it /

Your website is a living, digitally breathing, and capable piece of your business and its strategy. If you aren’t sure what your website needs, how to increase your online presence, know how to conquest competitors, or which pages of your site users are even exploring and beyond, I have you covered!

Gain insight on specifically what your website needs

How to increase your online presence

Learn how to conquest competitors

What your customers are visiting on your website

let's get nerdy



If you’re ready to scale your business and make your website work for you, recurring reporting and strategy is the most effective way to get you there. Receive a detailed summary report each month of your website’s performance and a content calendar of what I’ll be working on to drive more leads to your website. 

why you need it /

An aggressive, well-rounded, and multi-faceted approach

Boosting your presence within search engines

Monthly/quarterly reports to show you our progress

Insight on what your competitors are doing right and wrong

How we can take advantage of opportunities, directory management, analytics reporting, technical work, and so so much more

most popular



Dreaming of taking your business to new heights in another area? Whether you’re looking to plant roots abroad or internationally, location conquesting is the perfect way to drive more traffic from your dream area and connect you with your dream clients from afar. 

why you need it /

Build your name up in your ideal location

Tailor your custom strategy for your top location

Create powerhouse content

Drive more leads your way from your desired bucket list places.

Perfect for photographers, videographers, and those who can travel in their business

Building up your name in another area allows you the flexibility and opportunity to connect with clients in areas you dream of gaining more traction. Whether you’re a wedding photographer in Illinois looking to shoot more weddings in Greece, or an adventure photographer ready to photograph more elopements in Jamaica, this is for you.

want to work together?

get in touch for a service

You know your business’s value, and you know you’re among the best in your industry. So why aren't more potential clients finding you through your website?

Simply put, it’s time to upgrade the signals your website sends to Google, because we both know you deserve to be in the digital spotlight.